Upcoming Events

March 29-30 UKI trial with Lori Micheals

Click here for Premium

Beartooth Agility Club of Montana AKC Trial  with ISC classes!

Judge Laura Gillace -April 4-6 Click here for Premium  


Contact Lisa at lisa@yellowstonedogsports.com for a room or RV reservation. 

2025 Camp Schedule 

 Camp One will be July 08-12 (Tues-Sat) 

Camp Two will be August 05-09 (Tues-Sat) 

Registration is not open until November 2st 9AM MDT for previous campers and November 9th 9AM MST for all others. EMAILS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! 

Click here for access to the camp, seminar and room and RV reservations:




Seminar Schedule (Dates and Clinicians are subject to change)

 Wednesday March 5th-6th Scott Casino-Seminar is Full! Pick One or BOTH days for a $25 discount!  -$200 day (Limit 10) Pick one or two days

Wednesday March 5 - Elite Handling Skills, Drills, and Thrills! (8:30am-5pm)

Thursday March 6--Elite Handling Skills, Drills, and Thrills! (8:30am-5pm) 

 Lori Micheals  -Thursday-Friday March 27-28    UKI Handling Seminar  Cost $425 (limit 8) 

 Deb Hutchinson-NADAC Distance Handling May 3-4 -$400 (Limit 10) 

June 16-19  Paula Goss Seminars-- Seminars are Full! 

June 16-17 Two Day Elite Agility Seminar with Paula (8:30am-5pm) - $400 (Limit 10) 

June 18-19 Open Agility Seminar with Paula-- First Day is a full day and 2nd day is 1/2 day (8:30am-5pm & 8:30- Noon) - $300 (Limit 10)

June 19 -"Skills and Drills" for Intro/Beginner dogs (1PM-4PM)- $125 (Limit 6)

July 15 OR 16 --Steve Stochaj Seminar will be returning and giving his “Fun with Focus" seminar focusing on games, drive, enthusiasm, and connection with your dog. Cost is $150/day (limit 10 each day) 

July 26-27--IGP Training weekend with Ola Akin-Otiko. Contact Melissa at Whispering Echos Farm

July 29-30 (Tues-Wed) --NEW THIS YEAR! Susan Perry Seminar. GAME ON! Games for attention, connection, distraction and just having fun with your dog which enhances any team in any dog sport 

September -3rd-4th Wed-Thurs Desiree Snelleman AKC Handling Seminar Cost is $450 (limit 8) 

PENDING September 23rd-25th Tues-Wed Sarah Novak Seminar (Multi-year Canadian World Team member) AKC/UKI Handling camp. Be sure and select which days you want. Cost is $450 (limit 8) 

First 2 days is for Elite/Open Dogs

½ day on Thursday for Intro/Puppy/Baby dogs.

Signups begin Nov 2nd 9AM MDT. Submissions will NOT be accepted before November 2nd for anyone. November 1st previous campers and seminar participants ONLY may signup. November 9th 9AM MST all other registrations accepted. NO EARLY SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. No Emails can be accepted 

Click here for access to the camp, seminar and room and RV reservations:






 Other PLANNED Happenings at YDS Summer in 2025!   


YDS NADAC Trial February 14-16 - Judge Patti Cavin - Click here for premium

YDS NADAC Trial Mar 7-9 Judge Scott Casino -Click Here for Premium

UKI Trial March 29-30 March Judge Lori Micheals Click here for Premium

Beartooth Agility Club of Montana AKC Trial  with ISC classes! Judge Laura Gillace -April 4-6 Click here for Premium  

Beartooth Agility Club of Montana Three OBEDIENCE and FOUR RALLY Trials April 18-20   

Dirty Bandana Working Dogs PSA Training weekend April 26-27-Contact Tommy Meredith -- info@dirtybandanaworkingdogs.com


YDS NADAC Trial May 9-11 Judge Pam Smith   Click here for Premium 

Carbon County 4H Club Agility Trial May 16-17  

YDS NADAC Memorial Day Trial May 23-26 Judge Arlene Courtney  Click here for Premium

All Breed FastCat trials May 31-June 1 sponsored by ABTC Club

Belgian Tervuren  National Specialty June 1-7  

Flatcoat National Specialty-Agility, Fast Cat and Scent work- June 9-11  

YDS NADAC Trial June 13-15 Judge Patty Leroy  Click here for Premium

NADAC  RMDS Trial June 20-22  

BSDTCM AKC Agility Trial June 27-June 29  

Beartooth ASC Summer Spectacular! Agility, Obedience, Rally and ASCA Dock Diving! July 4-6    

July Summer Dog Camp July 8-12 Monday night Check-in and Welcome party---Tuesday-Friday camp activities---Check out Saturday

UKC DOCK Diving Trials July 12-13 PENDING  Contact Melissa on Facebook thru Whispering Echos Farm  

YVKC AKC Agility Trial July 18-20  

July 26-27--IGP Training weekend with Ola Akin-Otiko. Contact Melissa at Whispering Echos Farm

 YDS NADAC Trial August 1-3  Judge Susan Perry Click here for Premium

August Summer Dog Camp  Aug 5-9 Monday night Check-in and Welcome party---Tuesday-Friday camp activities---Check out Saturday 

UKC Dock Diving August 9-10  

UKC Obedience and Rally Trial August 9-10   

Beartooth Agility Club of Montana Obedience and Rally Trials August 15-17 

Beartooth Agility Club of Montana  Fast Cat! August 15-17  

LDAC AKC Agility Trial August 29-Sept 1 

NADAC CHAMPS! Gillette WY Sept 9-14 

Beartooth Agility Club of Montana AKC Agility Trial Sept 26-28 Judge Christine Harrisen  

RMDS NADAC Agility Trial Oct 17-19 

RMDS NADAC Agility Trial Jan 2-3, 2026 

Registration will NOT be accepted before November 2nd 9AM MDT for anyone. November 2nd Previous Campers and Seminar Participants ONLY may sign up. November 9th 9AM MST all other registrations accepted. NO EARLY SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED and NO EMAILS!


Click here for access to the camp, seminar and room and RV reservations:
